Monday, October 5, 2009

Why I'm Happy Chicago Got Snubbed -- Afghanistan

Not so much that Chicago got snubbed, but that our very own Presidential rock star Obama did. I find it quite hilarious actually that he, his wife, and the all-powerful Oprah went out of their way to try and convince the IOC that Chicago is the right choice for Summer Olympics. You know, right after the Blagojevich scandals along with the video-taped murder of a teenager. What better place to hold a festival of sporting events celebrating world unity? My beef really isn't with Chicago though, it's more with Obama himself and the reason is Afghanistan.

Here are some words of wisdom from myself to the President. How I'm qualified to do that? He works for me, look it up, it's true I swear. Here ya go Obama:

The only thing worse than bad decisions are no decisions.

This is true in many aspects of life, but especially in wartime. Now, as this country approaches a critical turning point in the war in Afghanistan, as our troops are being wounded and killed at a rate not seen since the war's start, our leader is more concerned with bringing the Olympic pork to his home city than he is with the welfare our troops. Scathing indictment I know, but the situation is of his own making. Now before we go all "he didn't start this war", or "Bush was the devil", hear me out. None of that stuff matters. The fact is, Obama made it a campaign platform and promise that he would scale back our troop levels in Iraq while moving the fight to Afghanistan to finish it off. What has he done about that? Not a thing, not one single thing.

In fact, President Obama was outraged at General Stanley McChrystal, commander of 68,000 NATO troops, over his speech requesting more troops for the Afghanistan war. Why was he outraged you ask? Not because he thought McChrystal might be wrong, but because Obama was forced to halt his Olympic begging tour in order to deal with the subject of whether or not we need more troops to win a war. Oh the horror!! It gets worse. Obama held Air Force One in Copenhagen in order to summon McChrystal and dress him down personally. Members of Obama's administration had this to say about McChrystal:
"People aren't sure whether McChrystal is being naïve or an upstart. To my mind he doesn't seem ready for this Washington hard-ball and is just speaking his mind too plainly."

How terrible!! The commanding General of our troops in Afghanistan is not adept enough at political doublespeak to get what he needs. If only he had more political savvy the war would be won by now!

Here is the way I see it. Obama needs to quit screwing around with health care reform that will take years to pass if at all and especially with the Olympic games 7 years from now. What he needs to do more than anything else right at this moment is to make a decision about the direction of these two conflicts. Either give the troops in both theatres what they need to finish the job or bring every last one of them home. Simply put, DO SOMETHING! That is all....

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